Neem oil is a natural and highly effective product that is produced through supercritical Co2 total extraction at high pressure. The process results in a high concentration of beneficial compounds, such as Azadirachtin, which is responsible for Neem oil's biological effects on organisms exposed to it.
Neem oil is an invaluable foliar spray in organic gardening, and the Neem Co2 Total Extract is the most concentrated and highest quality form of Neem oil. It is extracted through Co2 extraction, making it the preferred option for organic gardeners in need of a natural biological insecticide, fungicide, and miticide.
To use Neem Co2 extract as a foliar spray, it should be diluted with 1-3 tablespoons (15mL-45mL) per gallon of water. It is recommended to apply the spray during dusk or night hours and never during direct sunlight. When used once a week, Neem Co2 extract helps kill pests and prevent fungal growth. However, since Neem Co2 is an oil, it requires a surfactant to be added for use as a foliar spray. A natural surfactant such as pure castile soap works well. Apply the spray by coating all leaves completely.
Neem CO2 oil is known for its antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal properties, and it is widely used in Ayurvedic practice. Apart from being an effective biological pesticide, Neem oil is used in various cosmetic and pharmacological applications. It is especially effective in helping to rid head lice and dandruff. Additionally, it can be used topically for skin infections, slow-healing wounds, rheumatism, eczema, ringworm, athlete's foot, cold sores, psoriasis, and warts.
Neem Co2 Total extract is a highly effective natural product that is recommended for use in organic gardening, and pharmacological, cosmeceutical, and cosmetic applications. Its potent properties make it a preferred option for organic gardeners who are looking for a natural and effective way to protect their gardens from pests and fungal growth.